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Chicago's Only Partnership Minyan

Kids at Kol Sasson

Kol Sasson is a family-friendly shul with kids of all ages. Our children's programming and babysitting is led by Ariel Wogel ( and is co-sponsored by our partners at Skokie Valley. We also have a private nursing area adjacent to the women's section in order to welcome nursing mothers to participate in our davening.

B'nei Mitzvah at Kol Sasson

Kol Sasson is a very special place to celebrate a Bar or Bat Mitzvah. B'nei Mitzvah are invited to read Torah and/or Haftarah and to give a d'var torah in shul. In addition, boys have the opportunity to lead Shacharit or Mussaf while girls have the opportunity to lead the Torah Service. Our B'nei Mitzvah are warmly encouraged to continue reading Torah and participating in leading services during their teen years.

For those interested in celebrating B’nei Mitzvah with Kol Sasson, please contact our B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator, Judy Sloane, at least 6 months prior to the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. 

Sat, February 22 2025 24 Shevat 5785